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Feb 2021 - with Professor Tamara Davis, Head of Astrophysics at the University of Queensland. 

In 2021 I continued my Research work with Professor Tamara Davis AM of the University of Queensland. Prof, Davis is a ARC Laureate Fellow and is the author of numerous scientific papers.


This new research project seeks to more accurately determine the cosmological redshift of the accelerating expansion of the universe.


Along with several of Tamara's PhD students we are using recently collected data from the Anglo-Australian Telescope to analyze spectral data from a range of galaxies types to a new level of accuracy. We are using MARZ redshirting software and direct visual comparisons as AI systems are not yet reliable for this task.


In 2020 I completed a 4th Year Astrophysics project modelling gravitational influence on the formation of galaxies. This involved a huge amount of work and ultimately a python programmed simulation of the the relevant mathematical models. Watching the bodies move and coalesce to form clusters was totally cool.


Previously, we explored the factors involved in the Rate of Expansion of the Universe, and I completed a 3rd Year project analyzing the parameters that impact the Scale Factors of the rate of expansion. This was very exciting as our models demonstrated the acceleration of the rate of expansion of the universe quite closely.

Plot of Scale Factors of Expansion of the Universe.
Scale Factor Expansion.png

This has been a challenging and very interesting project, investigating the nature of our universe and how different parameters would cause the expansion or collapse of the universe and over what timeframes. 

Using the Python programming language was excellent, and it showed me the power of coding and mathematics to solve extremely complex equations. I have definitely improved my calculus skills!

Pitch Experiment.JPG

The Pitch Drop Experiment at UQ is the longest running experiment in history! Livestreamed from the Physics Department lobby.

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